Sounds simple these three words - "Get over it!"
I am trying to... well almost now...
I have a few scars here and there and a stubborn layer of flab on my tummy.
Strength training is the key...breath in, breath out..."Power" shouts my trainer!
I can feel it, yes! I have lost some...some unwanted part of me.
Sounds simple these three words - "Get over it!"
I am trying to, well almost now...
As I get into the thick of this writing, I hear the wails of my little one,
leaving aside everything, yes my sanity at times included, I sit besides her.
I ignore the household chores, I ignore my aching stiff body .
For hours together she is on my lap, lunching even when all my milk is exhausted.
I drink water conscientiously and 'let go' off it only when I can steal time...
Yes, yes its there for everyone to see...
I am getting over it...every minute of the day.
I am almost there... almost forgotten those nine months, all the anxiety and excitement,
Almost questioning myself "Come again, what are labor pains?"
I am ready to conquer the world! Bring it on!
"Let's plan your next move in life" - says a small voice in me and lots of voices around me.
I put on my thinking cap and fiercely start brainstorming,meticulously planing the future...
Till I hear her gurgling, making funny sounds, laughing, staring at me...then the sad face (that killer move of the lower lip!), all the toys, the soother, the pampers, my milk soaked clothes, her milk soaked clothes, her new moves, her soft touch...and my heart melts...and I am back to square one!
I do not think I will ever 'GET OVER IT' !!!