Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just when you thought....

Just when you thought....

Taking a right turn on a busy street is no less than manoeuvring ones way within life. Pause, look here and there, and proceed carefully. But hell no! Who does that? We race the accelerator, hoping no one comes our way. Well hope is a good thing. We have succeeded several times and many a times crossed the junction trusting our instincts and trusting others instincts more so. But the law of Probability takes over and just when you thought no one was around there comes a much expensive and faster one, closely whisking past you. You have your moment thereafter, a warm jittery feeling spreading across your chest. One is a little shaky at the wheel, but survival is something you truly understood today. The feeling vanishes within 30 seconds and you start breathing polluted air at a much normal slower pace.
Cheers, cause you have survived one more day..
So there is ‘ YOU’, crossing the same old junction. Crosses it and achieves a great sense of satisfaction, only to be behind some other bum. Ah ! Finally an empty road and surprisingly a bus waiting by the sidewalk, not in the middle lane! YOU wants to go past it, go past the big fellow and just when YOU thinks he had almost done it, the bus starts to move.
Now you should not be surprised, because this is how it works. So yes it is always going to be you, who runs over glass shreds on the roads of the battlefield called ‘Life’. You need to make way for others at times. Braking need not necessarily curb accidents. Whereas ‘letting go’ may. At the end of the day though a visit to a garage is a must!

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