Saturday, April 20, 2013

Of many a small things

Of many a small things 

my yellow nail paint speaks to me , 
my tooth brush tries to do the same,
i just tell them let me be,
because without you it’s not the right game.

the trees dance and so do the small twigs,
the flowers try to hold on,
of what feels like strong alchohol,the winds take too strong a swig
i wander alone , incomplete without you , through the lush green lawn.

what do i admire ?   the stars, the moon?
its not there , your intense gaze , your kiss,
the hands that hold me , its not there ... that boon..
i am longing for you ,  waiting to experience that pure bliss.

its not a poem , its the song my heart sings,
of loneliness , of separation , of many a small things.
come and hold me , come and hold me , for if you will,
tears will swell up and my heart will burst out crying... 

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